Table of Content
Current version (BigInteger / BigDouble / BOperation): 6.0 / 1.1 / 1.23

What BigInteger is?
BigInteger (or BI for short) is a C/C++/CUDA solution for big math.
This module was initially designed and built on 2019 by me (DoHITB) during the final paper assignment on IT degree (called TFG on Spain), to cover a RSA Cryptoanalysis

BigInteger module has overcome more than 30 major changes - including performance improvements, new functionalities, and bugfixing - before reaching version 6.0.
What can BigInteger do?
Over the time, BI has gained some functionalities:
On top of that, there is an expansion of BigInteger, called BigDoulbe (BD for short) that allows to work with decimal values.
To use it is as easy as to use BI, as both objects work on same architecture.
How to use it?
To use BigInteger, you only need to download the source code and configure a few things.

All BigInteger settings are made via precompiler options (
option on most of compilers).

So, first thing is to know: "Do I want to use Integer only, or Integer and Double?"
To use Integers only, use
; in any other case, it will allow to use both Integer and Double.

Next step is: "Will I be working on C? Will I be working with CUDA?"
To use C only version, use both
; in any other case, it can only be used under C/C++ regular code.

Now, we can go to some deep questions that will allow to get the maximum performance!

Optional question: "How many digits will my numbers have?"
You can define the maximum length for all BigIntegers by using
. Default value is 4096, so you can work with numbers up to 4096 digits. When
is defined, BigIntegers can hold

Also, you can ask: "Do I need to stop execution on error?"
If you don't want that the execution halts on error, define
. When done, you can access
function to know the execution status (being a return of 0 an OK status).

Finally, ask yourself: "Do I need to validate data" (CAUTION: use this option only when your source code is running on local)
Then, you can define both
. With this option, some validations will skip, and performance will boost a bit.

If you are planning to work on VisualStudio with C/C++ mode only, you will need to change some settings on your project in order to make the
file to work:

When using CUDA version, ensure to do this first:

Performance Overview
BigInteger code has been widely tested around, both in accuracy and performance, with the goal of having minimal possible RAM and CPU usage while having peak performance.
On a small benchmark (that can be found below), it can perform ~150.000 operations each second on C/C++ mode, and ~700.000 operations on CUDA mode (with a
<<<64, 64>>>
cluster configuration).
A single BigInteger (with
) is only 4104 bytes length (exact formula is
C_MAX_LENGTH + sizeof(char) + sizeof(int)
); and memory object it's only 160 bytes.

Calculation - Loop Start @1392; Loop End @5698 {819200 values checked on 4306 clocks} ~ 190246.171875 calcs / sec
Calculation - Loop Start @5698; Loop End @6597 {819200 values checked on 899 clocks} ~ 911234.687500 calcs / sec --> 20.88%

Calculation - Loop Start @1436; Loop End @12294 {1638400 values checked on 10858 clocks} ~ 150893.359375 calcs / sec
Calculation - Loop Start @12294; Loop End @14441 {1638400 values checked on 2147 clocks} ~ 763111.312500 calcs / sec --> 19.77%

Calculation - Loop Start @1290; Loop End @21513 {2457600 values checked on 20223 clocks} ~ 121524.992188 calcs / sec
Calculation - Loop Start @21513; Loop End @25019 {2457600 values checked on 3506 clocks} ~ 700969.812500 calcs / sec --> 17.34%

Code Example
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include "BigInteger.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"

void t_proc();
__global__ void kernel(void* a, void* b, void* x, void* y, int* i, char* c, int n);

int main() {

  return 0;

void t_proc() {
  //dimension & control
  int k = 8192; //number of items
  int perf = 100; //performance indicator
  int print = 0; //toggle to 1 to verbose print (performance drain!)
  int y;
  int z;
  int dx = 64; //CUDA config
  int dy = 64; //CUDA config
  float freq;
  float str;
  float end;

  //Int Data
  int* a = NULL;
  int* b = NULL;

  //Host Data
  BigInteger* hostBIa = NULL;
  BigInteger* hostBIb = NULL;
  int* hostInt = NULL;
  char* hostOp = NULL;

  //Device Data
  BigInteger* deviceBIa = NULL;
  BigInteger* deviceBIb = NULL;
  int* deviceInt = NULL;
  char* deviceOp = NULL;

  BigInteger* deviceX = NULL;
  BigInteger* deviceY = NULL;

  //printing  & aux vars
  memory* hostM = (memory*)malloc(getMemorySize());
  char* st1;
  char* st2;
  char* st3;
  int t;
  char bis[6];

  //start the engine

  if (print == 1)

  //1. Allocate host memory (k times)
  hostBIa = (BigInteger*)malloc(sizeof(BigInteger) * k);
  hostBIb = (BigInteger*)malloc(sizeof(BigInteger) * k);
  hostInt = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * k);
  hostOp = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * k);
  a = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * k);
  b = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * k);

  //2. Give values
  //2.1. va
  for (y = 0; y < k; y++) {
    t = rand() % 10000;
    _itoa_s(t, bis, 6, 10);

    newBI(&hostBIa[y], bis, 0);
    a[y] = t;

  //2.2. vb
  for (y = 0; y < k; y++) {
    t = rand() % 10000;
    _itoa_s(t, bis, 6, 10);

    newBI(&hostBIb[y], bis, 0);

    b[y] = t;

  //2.3. ret
  for (y = 0; y < k; y++)
    hostInt[y] = rand() % 10;

  //2.4. op
  for (y = 0; y < k; y++) {
    t = rand() % 4;

    switch (t) {
    case 0:
      hostOp[y] = '+';
    case 1:
      hostOp[y] = '-';
    case 2:
      hostOp[y] = '*';
    case 3:
      hostOp[y] = '/';

  //2.5. Move it to Device
  h2d((void**)&deviceBIa, hostBIa, k, sizeof(BigInteger));
  h2d((void**)&deviceBIb, hostBIb, k, sizeof(BigInteger));
  h2d((void**)&deviceX, hostBIb, k, sizeof(BigInteger));
  h2d((void**)&deviceY, hostBIb, k, sizeof(BigInteger));
  h2d((void**)&deviceInt, hostInt, k, sizeof(int));
  h2d((void**)&deviceOp, hostOp, k, sizeof(char));

  //3. Trace information
  if (print == 1) {
    for (y = 0; y < k; y++) {
      toString(&hostBIa[y], st1);
      toString(&hostBIb[y], st2);

      printf("%i\t%s\t%c\t%s\t%i\n", y, st1, hostOp[y], st2, hostInt[y]);

  //4. Calculation
  //4.1. Int calculation
  str = clock();

  for (z = 0; z < perf; z++) {
    for (y = 0; y < k; y++) {
      switch (hostOp[y]) {
      case '+':
        a[y] += b[y];
      case '-':
        a[y] -= b[y];
      case '*':
        a[y] *= b[y];
        a[y] /= b[y];

  end = clock();

  if (print == 1) {
    for (y = 0; y < k; y++) {
      printf("\t\t\t\t\t%i\n", a[y]);

  freq = ((k * perf) / (end - str)) * CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  printf("Calculation - Loop Start @%i; Loop End @%i {%i values checked on %i clocks} ~ %f calcs / sec\n", (int)str, (int)end, k * perf, (int)(end - str), freq);

  //4.2. Host Calculation
  str = clock();

  for (z = 0; z < perf; z++) {
    for (y = 0; y < k; y++) {
      switch (hostOp[y]) {
      case '+':
        add(&hostBIa[y], &hostBIb[y], hostM);
      case '-':
        sub(&hostBIa[y], &hostBIb[y], hostM);
      case '*':
        mul(&hostBIa[y], &hostBIb[y], hostM);
        dvs(&hostBIa[y], &hostBIb[y], hostM);
      case 's':
        nqrt(&hostBIa[y], hostInt[y], hostM);
      case '^':
        bipow(&hostBIa[y], hostInt[y], hostM);
      case '?':
        equals(&hostBIa[y], &hostBIb[y], &hostInt[y]);

  end = clock();

  if (print == 1) {

    for (y = 0; y < k; y++) {
      toString(&hostBIa[y], st1);

      printf("\t\t\t\t\t%s\n", st1);

  freq = ((k * perf) / (end - str)) * CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  printf("Calculation - Loop Start @%i; Loop End @%i {%i values checked on %i clocks} ~ %f calcs / sec\n", (int)str, (int)end, k * perf, (int)(end - str), freq);

  //4.3. Device calculation
  str = clock();

  for (z = 0; z < perf; z++) {
    kernel <<<dx, dy>>>(deviceBIa, deviceBIb, deviceX, deviceY, deviceInt, deviceOp, k);

  end = clock();

  //move data back
  d2h(hostBIa, &deviceBIa, k, sizeof(BigInteger));

  //print result
  if (print == 1) {

    for (y = 0; y < k; y++) {
      toString(&hostBIa[y], st1);

      printf("\t\t\t\t\t%s\n", st1);

  freq = ((k * perf) / (end - str)) * CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  printf("Calculation - Loop Start @%i; Loop End @%i {%i values checked on %i clocks} ~ %f calcs / sec\n", (int)str, (int)end, k * perf, (int)(end - str), freq);

  //8. Finish

//                     multi    multi    multi    multi    multi   multi
__global__ void kernel(void* a, void* b, void* x, void* y, int* i, char* c, int n) {
  int ind;
  int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  int inc = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;

  for (ind = idx; ind < n; ind += inc) {
    switch (c[ind]) {
    case '+':
    case '-':
    case '*':